Tuesday, April 3, 2007

So it begins...

Seeing as I'm running late for school, my first blog here will be short. I'm doing this as a place to collect my art work and thoughts mostly. I'm trying to get my self out there a little more, so I've got my Flickr site and now this, maybe one day ill be a real artist and make my very own real website! Ill talk more about the artwork posted later...

OK now that I am at school and it's only 8:05, and I don't get students until 9:00, I now have time to elaborate.

First the artwork... It looks pixalated on my screen for some reason and it didn't look like that at home, so I'm thinking its this computer, however, if you click on it you get the real size non messed up version anyways.

This piece is called "The Leap" and its the first in a series of what I like to call "Photomation" basically I take a photograph and put a cartoony style drawing on top of it. This Photomation series is going to deal with Ninjas.. So, look forward to seeing many many photos with cartoon ninjas super imposed over them, good news for those who like what they see above, and for those that don't... well I don't really care, this is what I feel like doing right now so it is what I am going to do.

The Photo itself was taken by my friend Shelby Karns, Ill probably be stealing... erm I mean Appropriating alot of his photos for this set because the shots from china really go well with the ninja theme, however, expect to see some ninjas in Houston or Huntsville once I get my Cannon Rebel XT in the near future.

Anyways its this really cool photo of a city in China called Qingdao, and the original concept was to have the ninja flying between the buildings, but because the only copy of the photo I had was so small, by the time I had shrunk the figure down to be proportionate with the buildings alot of the detail was lots. So, I changed it up a little and decided to have him in the foreground instead. There are two other version of this... one the original concept mentioned above, and another with he figure even larger, that you can see at my Flickr site: www.flickr.com/photos/johnny5ive

I think that's all for now, maybe ill post more ninjas later.

In other news, here is what is going on with me. I am currently in my second placement for student teaching at the woodlands 9th grade campus. I have about 4 more weeks of this, and a PPR TEXES Test to take and ill be fully certified as a k-12 art teacher. It will be nice to be done, but at the same time I find it kind of funny that I'm doing all this work to get this little piece of paper to say I'm "highly qualified" to teach in America, and then instead of using this certificate to get a job as a teacher like every normal teacher certification candidate would, instead, I am going to be getting on a plane and going to china, where I will be teaching college kids about America for a year, while also building up a portfolio of photographs taken in china. I even blew off the spring Job fair to go on a field trip with my students to the art museum. I think I made the right choice. It was funny, while I was at one of the museums I got a phone call from one of the schools at the job fair wanting me to go visit their booth. I laughed about it latter that day.

Hmm... what else... Oh I bought season 3 of Samurai Jack the other day, which is exciting because it has the crazy haunted mansion episode on it, as well as the chicken episode, and the raver episode.

Well that's all my rambling for now, I guess ill get ready for class or something.


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