Tuesday, April 3, 2007

From the Trees...

Second of the Ninja series. Again the Photo is by Shelby. Click the picture to see the full size. I need a name for this series, Im thinking of just calling it Ninja or Ninjas... anyone have any suggestions? Anyways, unlike the first one, and probably the rest of these I will do, this one was done using Macromedia Fireworks instead of Photoshop. Why would I subject myself to this? Well, you see I am going to be doing a computer project with my students here at WHS 9th, and they dont have Photoshop, they have Fireworks and I had to learn how to use it. Luckily Fireworks is alot like photoshop, but there are subtleties and differences that drive me crazy. But, you gotta do what you gotta do. Anyways I call this one "From the Trees..." This is acctually the second version of this particular Photo, I ended up completely redoing the ninja because the original wasn't stylized enough. You used to be able to see the first version on Flickr, but I have since grown sick of my failings and deleted it, and it shall be lost forever in digital hell.

I know no one is probably reading these (yet), but if you are and you have an suggestions or critques or comments or anything feel free to leave some.

Anyways, I guess I should get back to teaching, Ive got about 30 mins left of my last class.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"digital hell..."

I'm going to use that, you know.