Thursday, April 26, 2007


So, this is the newest "Photomation" I call it "Fruits" because it was a drawing that was based off of an image from a photo book called Fruits which features photos of Japanese teenagers dressed in thier wackey extreme out of control fashion. I maintain that this is because they watch too much anime. And everyone knows that anime rots your brain. And your teeth sometimes.

Anyways, Im going to post the non Photomation version as well below...


Anonymous said...

Great photo for it. When did you do that?

Oh will she ever be upset that the wicked statement is now in print.

Johnny Craig said...

I took it yesterday over by that ramp leading up to the gym doors. I was trying to see if I could get one that would fit with it, and I lucked out. If I hadn't gotten one from there I'd have gone to down town Huntsville to shoot some for it.

Anonymous said...

Anime does not rot your teeth. They just haven't all fallen out yet.
But I will admit that the Fruits people are insane. And that book doesn't even have the most insane pictures. Look it up on the internet. Seriously. Crazy/cool stuff.

Gareth said...

I love that book, the Japanese are soooo crazy