Friday, April 20, 2007

New Camera!

So, I've been sick lately, and I acctually missed school today because of it. BUT, in other news, I got my new camera! The picture above, and the two ill be posting below are taken with my brand new Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT. This thing is rather amazing. so many setting and features and things to learn. I've been reading through the book while ive been stuck in bed coughing up a lung, and I think im starting to figure it out. These photos are a result of playing with it on the full manual setting (which ill probably use most of the time) with no flash, just adjustments of the apetrue and shutter speed to get the lighting right in my low lit living room... Anyways here is the other one I like...

It's my puppy doing what he does best... lounging. The shutter speed was pretty slow on this shot so I acctually set the camera on the ground to help keep it steady. And I also like that I can take photos in Black and White rather than taking color photos and switching them in photoshop. The next photo is a little different...

This one I took of an elvis toy thing... although its acctually part of a phone. It is suposed to dance and sing jailhouse rock when the phone rings, but it had long since broken. Anyways the photo was a little blurry, so I just started playin around with different filters and such in photoshop until I came up with something I like.

Anyways, these were just me learning to use the camera, so they really arent all that spectacular. There is a historic faire in huntsville this weekend, im hoping to get down to it and take some photos if my illness lets up. So, look for that this weekend.


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