Monday, April 9, 2007


So, I was a total bum this weekend, and I did no artwork. Well not entirely true, I sketched some on the back of the movie time sheet and then on the back of a free movie poster while I was stuck on podium at the theater Saturday night from 6-12:40. But, The only decent one was of Jack Sparrow (I was looking at the pirates 3 banner while I drew it), and I didn't remember to take the sheet with me so its probably somewhere in the Grand's dumpster by now. Other than that I did no art work.

I saw TMNT again,and I've decided that despite what everyone else says, I liked that movie. It was a throw back to my childhood.. Also, even though its computer animation, I really like the look and style of it. Plus the fight between Leo and Raph is bad ass, and proves once and for all the given the opportunity, Raph would indeed kick the ass of Leo. Leo's line of "I'm better than you." really gets thrown back in his face. Never tell a 6 foot turtle who charges into battle (by himself half the time) against countless hordes of ninjas, while armed with little more than pair of oversized forks that you are better than him. He tends to take it personally.

After I watched TMNT I promptly went home and watched the old school Turtles movie, the first one, where every other line Raph says (includeing his very first line) is "Damn." I had the intention of drawing ninja turtles while watching this, but ya know I ended up just watching it and remembering why Raphael was always my favorite.

Anyways, I want to see 300 again sometime this week... and Grind House... and Blades of Glory... and The Reaping. I'm sure if I put my mind to it I can see at least one of those movies.

Well, I need to go get ready for my first class which should be entering within the next 10 minutes or so. They are presenting their storyboard projects today, so I wont really get to work on any new art stuff today. Same goes for tomorrow, maybe ill try an do something when I get home, but chances are ill be playing World of Warcraft with Amber. maybe tomorrow I will get something new up. I MIGHT be able to put some old stuff up on Flickr, so check that out if you are interested.


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